For those of you that didn't know (& if you didn't know...have you been living under a rock?!) Christopher & I are engaged!
On the 18th of October, he asked me to spend forever with him & we all know what my answer to that was ;)
You can read the full story of how he asked here, at The Southern Stylista (my style blog!)
& I'm going to insert a few pictures here...
My gorgeous ring, he did such a good job!

We were so excited to show off the ring to both of our sets of parents, these pictures were the only ones we got that day!
Now that we're officially engaged & I"m finishing up the end of the semester at Jacksonville State, I'm actually getting a little bit more time to do wedding planning.
We have set a date: May 30, 2015-so mark your calenders!
The biggest to-do on our list was to book a venue...
When we thought about a venue, there was only one place that I could think of, South Wind Plantation in Wellington, AL.
The day we went to look at my horse, Gypsy for the first time, we drove past South Wind & I fell in love. I told Chris, "Wouldn't it be so perfect to have a wedding there?" But we weren't engaged & they weren't even doing weddings!
Flash forward a few weeks later when we went to pick her up, they had a sign out front-they were doing weddings!
I tried not to get my hopes up too much when we called, they only had one date left in May.
We went to look at the venue & I fell in love. Not just with how gorgeous the venue is & all of the things that are included (so much bang for your buck!)
But I fell in love with Mrs. Ginger & Mr. Bobby-the owners. They are so precious & after spending three hours with them...yes THREE hours, that day...I can say that we honestly became fast friends & I know that by the time our wedding gets here, I will be sad to leave them!
So without further ado, we said, "Yes!" to the barn!

This is the driveway at the entrance & the home where the bridal party will get ready.

This is the barn where the reception will take place, if weather permits the wedding will be held outside, to the right of the barn.
These are the only pictures I'm going to share at this point, you can always google South Wind Plantation & find their website & FaceBook pages and find more, but I want everyone to be surprised when they see it on the big day :)
So far, we have booked the photographer (just today actually!) that we will be using for our engagement & bridal sessions, as well as the wedding.
We are using Mrs. Amy Sullins from Amy Cole Photography-her work is amazing and I cannot wait to meet her & have her work with us!
(Look her up on Facebook, you won't be disappointed!)
I'll be making a trip to South Wind on Monday to look at the venue again with my mom, sister, wedding coordinator, and maybe some bridesmaids if I can talk them into it-so expect more planning updates then!
That's all that I have for now...& trust me, I know...I'm behind, hah!
Can't wait to share more details with everyone & most importantly, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Christopher!
xoxo, jordyn