Sunday, November 8, 2015

Life Lately: October 2015

Time has absolutely flown by these past few months since Christopher and I have been married.

I'm almost finished with my Senior Practicum semester of school (which means, God willing, I'll graduate on April 29, 2016!) and Chris has been staying busy on both ours and my dad's farms, as well as with calving season and C&J Farm (the trucking company he owns with my dad).

We've been having lots of long days & some long nights, but I keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it in the end. :)

Here are a few photos from what we've been up to lately!

We've had lots of friends get married in the month of October (every weekend except the last was spent at a wedding!)
This is from Misty & Jacob Porter's wedding, it was absolutely gorgeous-but I forgot to have a picture made until after dark so this one does it no justice!

On the second weekend in October, our sweet friends Chase & Mary Beth Miller got married.
We enjoyed getting to see some old friends at their reception & loved seeing the view at Oliver's Cove (formerly Patriot Riding Stables)

The third weekend of October, my sweet friend & college roomie Hannah Brown got hitched!
Her wedding was in Woodland (& I got to see our mutual friend who introduced us, Jasie!)
It was a sweet wedding and I loved getting to see my friend who was just in my wedding, get married at hers!

In between all of these weddings, Chris and my family found time to help me move the rest of my stuff out of my apartment in Jacksonville.
I had only been staying there occasionally in between classes, and now that I don't really have any big breaks between class I didn't need it anymore.

I have to say, I loved that apartment and I had lots of fun times there but I'm so glad that Christopher is the reason I moved home.

I guess this is cheating, because technically this was from this Friday which is in November.
But Chris and I drove up to Crossville, TN to the ZWT Ranch for their Fall sale.
We had a great time that wasn't diminished by the rain or cool temps.
The views were gorgeous, I could've stayed outside taking pictures all day.

We also went to the Alabama National Fair the last weekend in October, unfortunately it was raining and dark once we got there so we didn't get any pictures.
We saw Cole Swindell play (he's awesome by the way) and I have a few low-quality pictures from that, but they're on my phone still :)

Hope y'all enjoyed the update!

xoxo, Jordyn